Just yesterday I was asked this question… What is My One Being™?

My One Being™ is a self-development journey – a movement, even. Let me explain…

In my life and throughout my career I have been guilty of attempting to compartmentalize my life AND personality. I showed one side of myself at the office, another side at home and with friends, and yet another side when I faced myself in the mirror. Definitely an exhausting experience!

In 2017, I made the decision to move across the country and alter my career path. What better time to alter my approach? I opted to reintegrate my personality, and be true to myself in all parts of my life. From this, the founding principles of My One Being™ were born.

  • Be authentic

  • Don’t hide the best parts of yourself

  • Share your wisdom and vulnerabilities… this will help others be their best selves

  • Through integration we achieve efficiency

  • Get out of your own way, and Succeed

It is with that spirit that the My One Being™ system teaches us all how to practice mindful planning and schedule coordination. We learn the art of delegation so that we can work smarter. Most importantly, we are taught to prioritize self-care and continuous learning. By adopting all of these habits we ensure we are at the top of our game, and well equipped to help others across, all aspects of our life.

My vision is to create a movement that will empower us all to live our most authentic and effective lives. I hope you join me…

Learn More and Register for the October workshop: https://myonebeing.com/new-jersey/