Our Methodologies & Tools


We use and have developed a variety of methodologies and tools. We know you want a customized solution that suits your business – we can offer that through a “plug & play” approach that allows you to choose the most effective practices to meet your needs.

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One of the newer methodologies available, design thinking is a solution-based approach to solving problems. Leverage brainstorming and prototyping activities to achieve innovative and human-centric solutions.


Agile & Agile Mindset

This tends to be the optimal way to tackle software development initiatives. Through detailed requirements gathering and iterative delivery processes, teams are enabled to move fast while providing discrete packages of work that are often part of a bigger initiative.

Lean Startup

This approach is most often associated with creating and managing startups. This is not just for tech, though. Through the use of ideation and proof of concepts, this system will enable you to deliver and test a product offering quickly, while offering continuous learning opportunities that will help you better your final product.


While not always the best approach for software projects, Waterfall definitely has its place. This practice will allow you to identify a sequential and consistent approach to build and deliver a specific and complete product.

Change Management

This methodology is at the core of just about everything we do – both in and out of the office. Through the development of effective team training and a look at ongoing needs, this process will enable any organization to successfully navigate and adopt planned and unexpected change.

Narrative Coaching

This approach to coaching allows individuals to shift their mindset and create new possibilities through a holistic and mindful process of self-discovery and awareness.

Project Management Toolkit

Leveraging years of project experience and a variety of tools, we have developed a basic PM toolkit that provides you with the most important templates needed to effectively deliver projects.

Business Model Canvas

This template provides a clear, mapped approach to a new business or product. Through a 90-minute interview process, we will help you identify your objectives, desired client segments, key resources and most importantly, your value proposition.

Customer Journey Mapping

This is one of the most powerful tools you will use to truly understand and empathize with your clients (both internal and external). This workshop allows you to articulate and improve your customer’s experience in lasting ways.

Ideation Cycle

This fast moving cycle is a critical component of both Lean Startup and Design Thinking. In 90 days or less you will identify a delivery approach to your product or service offering, test it in the marketplace with minimal expense and development costs, learn from your target clients, and pivot to test new approaches.

7 Minute Interview

Planning is often viewed as labor intensive and bureaucratic. However, without a proper plan, you may miss key steps that would affect your results. This 7 minute interview allows you to partner with leaders to identify what they want to do, why, how, and most importantly how they define success.

30 Day Launch

Getting from an Idea to Done can often be painful. Through this tried method, you will learn to quickly develop your idea, define an execution plan, and prepare your team to make it happen.