When we have “perfect” eyesight, it is known as having 20-20 vision. We are able to see clearly both up close and in the distance. Our vision doesn’t need correction. I believe the same applies to our outlook and strategies – both personally and professionally. 

Making Personal Decisions

Have you ever noticed how difficult it can be to make a decision that affects you as an individual?

  • Should I buy that car?

  • Is that the right job for me?

  • How do I know this person is my ‘forever life partner’?

The thing is, we are so close to the question that we can’t view it objectively. This is often the time that we engage outside perspectives. We have a chat with trusted friends, seek counsel from a loved one, or make an appointment with our therapist… all in an attempt to gain clarity on what to do next. 

Professional Strategies are Different,  Right?

Actually, No. Making a professionally focused decision can be equally difficult. 

  • How will I know it’s the right time to launch my business?

  • Is this industry the right fit for me?

  • Who is my client and how can I really help them?

Again, we are so close to these topics that self-doubt affects every thought we have. It is almost as if we are looking through fog, trying to avoid the obstacles closest to us while straining to see what the future holds.

Outside counsel can help here too. The person’s title may be different: a consultant, business coach, mentor. However, their role is similar to those we connect with personally. These are trusted advisors who help us gain a balanced look at our situations, and who help us make focused decisions.

“I want to make the “right” decision.”

You’ve heard the phrase, ‘He may not be Mr. Right, but he sure is Mr. Right Now’. Well, while that sentiment is slightly different in nature than what we are chatting about today, the core concept still applies to all our decisions. What is right today may be totally wrong in the future. We must be prepared to accept and embrace change, even when it seems scary or contrary to the path we thought we were on.

Making the best decision possible for today AND tomorrow requires a calm approach, a clear view and a willingness to go on faith. I have been using a 7-step method for years… and this applies to all parts of my life (personal and professional):

  1. Get to the root of my question. What is it that I am attempting to solve or address?

  2. Define my options. 

  3. List out the pros and cons.

  4. Admit the emotional side of the decision. Knowing that something will feel good or make us happy is valid decision making criteria!

  5. Play the movie forward. What are the long-term effects? Are there any unintended consequences to this choice?

  6. Seek an objective and trusted opinion. Operating in a vacuum is dangerous. Discuss your options with someone who will be honest, even if they think it may not be what you want to hear.

  7. Be willing to learn and change. In business, this is called pivoting. Regardless of the issue, it is imperative to watch, learn, and in some cases, stop.

Some decisions have a necessary yet fleeting lifespan. They help us make the right turn needed to get on the path to our best, but perhaps unexpected future. Think about those traffic detours that seem like a complete inconvenience in the moment, but which introduce you to new streets and neighborhoods. By making that pivot or change, you find new places to visit and discover. So it is with your life.

As the New Year and New Decade rapidly approaches, reflect on the lessons of the past year, recall your growth and accomplishments of the past decade, and look ahead with clarity and focus. Give yourself permission to see the amazing future ahead of you, and to make changes in your path when necessary. And… always be willing to enlist an objective point of view.

From my heart to yours, I wish you a holiday season filled with joy and light.

Need help gaining clarity and making educated decisions? Email me at colibribluegroup@gmail.com and let’s chat about how to bring your goals into clear focus.